After 38 Years Of Proudly Serving Scottsdale And The Surrounding Areas, Ritzy Rags & Shoes Is Conducting A STORE CLOSING SALE, and EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD !

Join our VIP list and be the FIRST-TO-KNOW of all new price breaks and sale alerts during this AMAZING sales event!

Your email is 100% safe. We will only use it to communicate with you about this sale.

Here's What You'll Have Access To At Our STORE CLOSING SALE:


  • Women's Shoes & Sandals

  • Handbags

  • Clothing

  • Jewelry

  • And much, MUCH more!

I'm sad to go, BUT...

I also know when it's time to turn the page. I've invested a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into this business over the past 38 years, and I've loved each and every one of my customers along the way, so look at this as more of a celebration of a new chapter!

Make sure you sign up for my VIP email list to be the "First To Know" about all updates pertaining to the sale and how you can get in on all the best deals before everyone else!

Ritzy Rags & Shoes

P.S. Please help me out and share this website and news about my Store Closing Sale with your friends on Facebook :-)

Hearing my customers say, "Wow, I love this store" will always be one of the most gratifying parts of owning Ritzy Rags & Shoes all these years, and I will truly miss hearing that.

Craig, Owner of Ritzy Rags & Shoes

Don't Miss Out On All The Updates!

Your email is 100% safe. We will only use it to communicate with you about this sale.

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